Cup of cacao surrounded by flowers

Image courtesy of KlyKakao

The beauty of Kakao…

When approached with intention, ceremonial-grade cacao can assist you in coming out of the head and into the heart. It helps your body and mind become more receptive to all forms of meditation, connection and creativity. In addition, its health benefits have been well researched and documented by researchers and scientists. If you get the right cacao, it tastes delicious too (a luxurious hot chocolate), so what’s not to love!

"After water, cacao is the single healthiest substance you can put in your mouth. It can easily replace a number of psychiatric drugs for mood, plus it produces the same chemistry in the brain that occurs when we fall in love." - Chris Kilham, WellBella

Ceremonial-grade cacao is a beautiful connector and a great counterpart with not just meditation, but also with dancing, singing, writing, setting your daily intentions, or even connecting on a deeper level with a friend or romantic partner. Although it is plant ‘medicine’ it won’t give you hallucinations or have any adverse affects on your body or mind.

You can drink cacao daily as a ritual in your own personal ‘ceremony’ or whenever it calls you. Cacao is a powerful, sweet ally that can assist with healing and opening the heart, emotional release, inner child work, activating your authentic self, and creative inspiration.

Primary effects include:

  • Calming of the Nervous System

  • Enhanced Creativity

  • Increased Blood Circulation & Digestion

  • Deepened Meditations & Inner-work

  • Clearing Blocked/Stuck Emotions

  • Euphoric Connection to Self, Others, and Nature

  • Enhanced Libido

  • Prolonged Focus

As with all the natural tools I use, I only partner with the purest products and with companies who have a strong ethical and sustainable policy. FlyKakao is my cacao of choice.

If you’d like to join me in a cacao meditation circle, then please join the waiting list below. They are usually one-off online events on zoom, although I do also sometimes run some in person in Cornwall and elsewhere. It is an opportunity to take time to drop into your heart, have some moments of quiet gratitude and enjoy a gentle guided meditation. There is space for journalling too. It is a beautiful and nurturing experience which you can enjoy at home (just remember to put a do not disturb sign on your door so you can truly enjoy it)!

In the meantime, if you’d like to get hold of some Kakao, then you’ll find the link below. You can buy a single sachet if you’d like to simply try it out, or larger bags if you love cacao already or think it might be something you’d enjoy. Type in KARIHERBERT in the coupon code box at checkout and you’ll receive 10% off your first order.

In full transparency, I am an affiliate for FlyKakao, so I will earn a small commission.

Three cups of Kakao with flowers

Image courtesy of FlyKakao

How to enjoy Kakao

Signature Blend

1. Prepare your space

Light a candle and choose a quiet place where you can relax, mindfully tidying away any (obvious!) clutter so it feels like a clean space. Get a journal ready in case anything comes up in meditation, choose some essential oils (if you have them) and put on the diffuser, and perhaps have oracle cards to hand, if that feels good. Put on some gentle music or find a recorded meditation on your phone or laptop to listen to when you’re ready (there are some lovely ones on InsightTimer).

Drink water - cacao can make you feel dehydrated, always drink water before and after.

2. Set your intention

Take a moment to make an intention for using Kakao. Making ceremonial-grade Kakao with love and your full presence is both respectful of this beautiful cacao and also heightens your experience.

Ask: What is my intention here? It could be:

  • My intention is to relax and allow myself to rest

  • My intention is to unlock my creativity

  • My intention is to be more receptive to love

Whatever feels right in that moment.

3. Prepare the Kakao

Choose a special cup or mug and a jug, and put fresh water in the kettle to boil. When boiled, I like to warm both the jug and cup with some of the hot water, then pour the water out before measuring 2 - 4 tbsp Kakao in the jug and adding the required amount of hot water (8floz water to 4tbsp Kakao)

Blend. I use a tiny handheld frother, which is perfect. This creates a much creamier, more satisfying texture (you can also blend in a blender safe for hot liquids).

4. Offer Gratitude

Once settled in your space, take a few deep breaths, use appropriate essential oils, if you like, remind yourself of your intention, and feel deep gratitude to the earth for supporting each and every plant, for the cacao itself, and every person involved in the tending of the cacao, the fermentation, harvesting and grinding, the packaging, shipping and delivery.

5. Journey

Mindfully allow the cacao to enter your body, and to open your heart, then simply sit and quieten, or meditate.

Cacao can be enjoyed on your own, or in a small gathering. Both are beautiful, but are quite different. Do get in touch if you’d like to join one of my live online cacao circles, or keep an eye on my calendar for updates.

P.S. If you’re wondering, cacao is the plant medicine, Kakao is the make of cacao I partner with!